Policies & Procedures 

Please read the following and check box at the bottom before filling out a Wedding Ceremony Request Form. Thank you!

  • All wedding ceremonies must be scheduled through a Hub Church staff member. No wedding shall be scheduled that directly conflicts with a scheduled event on the Hub Church Master Calendar.

  • Any requests for a wedding ceremony must be submitted a minimum of 90 calendar days prior to the event.

  • All couples planning to be married at Hub Church must either be actively participating in or have completed a minimum of 10 premarital counseling sessions with a trained mentor couple from Hub Church before their wedding date can be confirmed.

  • All wedding ceremonies require a completed Wedding Ceremony Request Form. Information on this form will include the name and phone number of at least one individual who will take responsibility for the event. This person will be responsible for the security and cleanliness of the facility before, during and after the event. Without this information and commitment, permission will not be granted. If deemed necessary, Hub Church may assign or require security and/or custodial staff/volunteers to assist at the event, with a possible additional charge.

  • Rental fees for our facility and property will vary. Once your Rental Forms are submitted and approved, we will provide you with a Rental Approval Form that details your specific rental fee and any additional charges. Prices will vary based on person's relationship with church (ie. member of Hub Church), size of event, cleaning necessities, and use of Hub Church property.

  • Any wedding requiring access to the facilities, for which the requesting party does not already have keys and security codes, will require the assistance of a Hub Church staff member. Keys and security codes will not be issued.

  • Any impromptu facility usage will be preempted by pre-scheduled events/activities. Properties will always require authorization before usage.

  • Any groups or individuals who are hostile towards the Biblical beliefs of Hub Church can be denied permission for usage, solely for that reason.

  • Any damages are the sole responsibility of the user and restitution required within 10 days.

  • Hub Church reserves the right to require any user to purchase insurance for activities where Hub Church is exposed to increased liability. The user shall purchase said insurance and supply proof of such before final approval will be granted.

Wedding Ceremony: House Rules

  • Every user is to clean up after themselves and guests in any area used during an event.
  • Used rooms should be swept and/or vacuumed after use. No food or food wrappers/trash should be left in rooms at all.
  • Cleaning supplies are purchased by Hub Church and are available for your use. You will find them in the labelled cabinets in the kitchen or facility closet in children's department. (ie. clorox wipes, garbage bags)
  • Any damages are the sole responsibility of the user and restitution is required within 10 days.

  • Cigarettes or any other type of smoking is NOT permitted in the facilities or grounds of Hub Church. 

  • Absolutely no alcohol should be consumed in the facilities or grounds of Hub Church, even by those older than the legal drinking age. 

First Aid-
  • Should you need a first aid kit, you will find one located in the kitchen drawer labeled ‘First Aid Kit’ or in the children's department hallway. If the injury is more serious than any first aid kit can handle, please call 9-1-1.

Wedding Ceremony Request Form

Ceremony Needs:

If not, a wedding coordinator from Hub Church can be provided to you for a fee of $250. Please note they will be there for both the rehearsal and wedding day. They will be responsible for cleaning up decor and overall details/flow of event. 

Note: Couples will discuss the order of ceremony with Pastor Mark prior to having rehearsal. This will be scheduled once premarital counseling is finished. 

Note: Couples will need to arrange a time to decorate around the church's schedule of events.

Production/Media Needs:

Note: You must provide a playlist and order of service 1 week prior to the event. Depending on your event's production requirements, we may need to hire a production technician to assist. The cost for this service is $100, and will be added to your rental fee. Please note, this person will be at your rehearsal.

***If you have a qualified individual to operate the sound system, they may be permitted to do so with prior approval from Pastor Mark. They must attend the rehearsal and receive guidance on operating the system to ensure a smooth event.

Note: You must provide visual 1 week prior to the event.

Additional Needs:

Note: The church can provide 2 floor length mirrors & a clothing rack.
Note: The building will be unlocked for guests 1 hour prior to ceremony start time. 

I Agree to the Following:

  1. The room(s) will be left in the same condition as they were found, including properly disposing of trash and cleaning up any spills or messes.
  2. Absolutely no alcohol, tobacco, or smoking is permitted on the premises.
  3. Parking is only allowed in designated parking spots. No parking on the grass or in non-designated areas.
  4. I understand that I will receive a written confirmation within 7 days regarding whether my event is approved.
  5. Rental fees vary between Hub Church attenders and non-attenders. I will be notified of the fee within the written confirmation, and the fee will be discussed once the event is approved. Payment will be required no later than the date of rehearsal.